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World Cancer Day 2021: Why World Cancer Day is celebrated every year?

World Cancer Day- 4th February 2021 Happy World Cancer Day 

World Cancer Day 2021 Why we celebrate world cancer day
World Cancer Day- 4th Febuary 2021

World Cancer Day 2020: World Cancer Day is observed every year on 04 February worldwide. The theme of World Cancer Day has been "I am and I will be" for three years from 2019 to 2021. Which means that everyone has the ability to fight cancer. According to this theme, there will be programs in these three years.

Cancer is the most dangerous of all the world's deadly diseases because many times its symptoms are not known. By the time this disease is revealed, it is too late and the cancer has spread throughout the body. For this reason, many people do not get proper treatment time and they die. If cancerous disease is detected in time, its treatment is possible. In the year 2018, there were more than 96 lakhs deaths worldwide due to cancer disease.

World Cancer Day was established by the International Cancer Control Association (UICC). It is a leading global N.G.O. It aims to achieve the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, 2008. Its primary goal is to reduce cancer deaths by 2020. The International Cancer Control Association (UICC) was established in the year 1933. On this day, various government and non-governmental organizations conducted various campaigns to prevent cancer.

World Cancer Day 2021: Why World Cancer Day is celebrated
World Cancer Day

Why is World Cancer Day celebrated?

Before this, World Cancer Day is celebrated to make the common people aware of cancer prevention measures and hazards for detection or prevention. People feel that the disease spreads through touching, so a person suffering from cancer is seen as hatred and untouchable in society. There are a variety of social myths related to cancer among the common people, such as living with or touching a cancer victim, they can also get this fatal disease. This day is also celebrated to end such myth. Due to this, it is celebrated to create general awareness about all the reality of cancer like symptoms and treatment etc.

Various programs are organized on this day to make people aware that a person suffering from cancer is not treated separately, they should have the right to live like a common person in society and change any relationship for them Do not want. Their wishes should be fulfilled by their relatives even if they are unlikely to live. It is very important that they should feel good like a common man and not feel like they are being given some treatment because they are about to die. They need to feel self-respect and need a common environment in their society and home.

It is Important to Control Cancer

According to the data, it is worth noting that most cancer cases and deaths (47% and 55% respectively) have occurred in less developed regions of the world. If it is not controlled, by 2030 it could reach a more dangerous level. Therefore it is very important that it be controlled in every corner of the world.

People are promoted well during this program regarding their good lifestyle, controlled diet, regular workouts to reduce the risk of presence of cancer. They are promoted to free themselves from their alcohol addiction, unhealthy diet and physical stability.

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